Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Game Trailer - Mindmap

In this lesson we gathered in teams to plan and discuss the ideas for our project. We mades notes and ideas on a piece of A3 about what is possible for our project and how we plan to handle it. We covered a few concepts, such as font, graphics and things that we would include into the trailer, this as well as making sure we covered the idea we had.

We have selected to go for a past tense sort of scenario (think bioshock), we have taken aspects from many other games, such as the animus idea, going into the past when Salts Building was a school, and having the player do puzzles from room to room, and learning more about the history of saltaire, while trying to fight against the evil Titus Salt.

The idea is to provide a very popular puzzle based environment, take inspirtation from popular games like bejeweled, with this mind we have also worked with an adventure scene, with a bit of story to add some flare to the design of the game trailer.

The characters we have decided to use, is ourselves as well as some characters from the past. Our characters are avatars, guides that help the player along his path to finding a solution to destroying Titus Salt. And restoring freedom and peace to Saltaire, we have decided to give a unique elements and voice act our characters ourselves, such as ..

Rob the Wizard
Stuart the Goat
Curtis the Boss
Micheal the Goldfish

Overall the group particpated well, I believe we still need to discuss this more and work on the mindmap to get a foundation laid out, and the lack of one of our vital team members, set us back further than the other groups. We would like to continue this is time allows with the particpation of Joe Brown, next week.

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