Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sound Reflection

During the audio production I developed and produced a production piece for my trailer, for this I used the talents from my brother's guitar playing, due to my lack of musical ability.

I created the audio and edited it in Cubase to improve the effectiveness and sharpness, the music was directed from me to my brother, and played through into the actual sound card. This allowed me to directly record the sound into Cubase and model to my whim.

The final audio production did meet my expectations, my brother relayed the information from my descriptions and played it exactly as I imagined it. However there were points where the spikes hit in the guitar playing, which caused stuttering or rather caused it to generate a distortion, which I was unable to rub out and cut down using the editor, however, during the final production piece I was able to work with the sound in premier along with Joey to help smooth out the peaks of distortion.

I used every session in the sound room to work on my sound piece up until the showcase, I wanted to get it looking ship shape and although I lack the nessary skills with music production (and i'll be honest if I never touch a sound card again, it'll be too soon) I did like the final production, and it was used as the backing trailer for the trailer. I could have managed my time more effectively by installing cubase at home and perhaps doing more editing work there, this would have helped to bump my production grade from a pass to a merit, if i'd have given it that much more attention.

To be fair, I didn't find much of it easy, sound isn't my thing, and not something I will explore, however, I did find the intial concept of planning the song the easiest thing to produce, because of this, I was easily able to get the effect I required to generate this piece.

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Other people enjoyed the effect of the audio and the level of tension it built, however, it was too quiet to be actually heard fully, and this  played with the rest of the audio, wasn't syncronised well. However, overall, the audio alone was liked, and compared to the likes of Diablo, which was the theme that inspired my own.

My general music production capabilites, I never took to Cubase, or operating the sound card, and perhaps if I had spent a little time aside I could have found a new fondness for music. However, overall, the general skills with the producton piece.

I would try to play the guitar myself next time, and take a couple of weeks to learn some simple chords and strings, to help improve my understanding. Coupled with this, learning a new skill would be invaluable in the future.

Overall the journey has been eventful, while I feel I can do much more, I felt I achieved a level of success, and have a song that was developed by me, that I can calll my own.

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