Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3D Lighting

In class today we covered lighting within a 3D environment. It was a rather simplistic lesson and I think I easily grasped the concept of creating a 3D lighting feel to the over setting of space. I took a few render to show my overall outcome, I am happy that I have grasped the concept of 3D lighting within a target view mode.

 The above reminds a little of liughting petruding under or when a door is opened. It fade a little along the dark line which I thought gave it a interesting effect, this concept was creating by making use of the multiplyer, and titling the lighting so it was a littl angled to create the cropped effect. 

This particular lighting required that I make use of the fallof hotspot modfiers in the 3D environment this allowed me to create a beam of light with a feather concept around the radius of the beam making it look a little like a torch light.

Following Week:  

During todays demonstration we had a look at volumetric lighting.  We created a small corridor using our skills with 3DS Max, and deleting a few polygons from a rectangle. I created a light out of a cone to give the effect of a lamp shade and applied a directional lighting to it, from there I used the skills I learnt last week to hotspot and falloff some of the like and added a tiny bit of multiplying in order to enchance the ambience, I then added a volume to my light via the atmosphere effect, and then cloned each light in order to create a corridor of lights, below is the outcome.

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