My project for Unit 66 over the last couple of months was to plan and create a 3D model. I have chosen to create a spaceship and model this around the base ideal that I had for when I was designing the space models for Orbis Online. The based my design on the general concept of the T1-Interceptor Class Scout Ship which is shown below in my concept piece.
The top one is the ship I tried to base my design on, of course the design doesn't look much like it, as I came in to numerous problems with design when trying to complete this model. One of my concerns before starting was that I wouldn't be able to get the right shape and the right look, and this remained true, it seemed the more I focused on trying to create a decent posture within the model, the more difficult it became to keep that solid form and the model turns into something much more different than I have originally intended.
I place this on the concept of trying to align the vertexes, and the polygons I unaligned each of the selected parts and set them far too thick. Nevertheless the design that began to fold out was better than I thought and I decided to work with this concept and expand rather than restart and give up.
Above are two shots from the render of the space ship, the one to the left is underneath and shows the front vent grid, and the underbelly, I applied a smooth modifier to outline the look of the ship which I think worked rather very well, as you can see from the right hand side, I have applied a racing stripe similar to modern cars that are in racing. As you can see from the top view you can see the flame streak flying from the behind engine of the ship, which we will take a better look at now.
You can't see the engine too well, because of the flame streak, but you get a better idea of the concept here, the smoke that is coming off was done with a lighting effect and works will with the radius system that is in place.
Here you can get a better view of the engine, the engine was made with a cylinder shape and I extruded and beveled the different polygons to get a kind of wheel/tubing effect. This interested me, and I was rather proud with the outcome of the cylinder based engine. Lastly I added a more glass based effect to the ship so it was see through a looked some what more realistic.
This is the wireframe model of the ship, showing the base outline. Although intially the ship didn't end up the way I hoped it would, I still think the final outcome was well worth it, and worked very well towards what my intial idea was proposing.