Monday, December 12, 2011

Analysis of Coca-Cola Zero

Through my research in Unit 6, I decided to create an analytical review of the Coca-Cola Zero product. I found a create document that covers the process of how they advertised and provided the concept behind Coca-Cola Zero, from this address.

I quote from this website.

"Seeking to maximise exposure to Italian 18-34-year-olds, Coca-Cola’s Avatar-themed Coca-Cola Zero campaign used the reach and audience profile of Windows Live Messenger combined with the power of remessaging. The Messenger campaign reached an impressive 2 million users in the target audience, with re-messaging increasing this by 78% to 3.6 million."

This depicts the aim and audience number increase for the product. An amazing advertisement scheme that returned 78% increase to there 2 million user target, increasing it to 3.6. The most interest element of this reponse was how they advertised there product. Utilise the audience profiling mechanism of Windows Live Messenger, which is very similar to he same process that Facebook uses. It would seem that this form of advertisement is effective, primarily because it targets the specific audience in question for the product in mind.

It reminds me of the documentary I watched on Facebook which covered a large section of how Facebook earns its money through effective product advertisement, the use of demographic targetting for providing products was interesting, it seemed the concept behind it was to allow product advertisers to select specific options and provide them with a number of individuals that this advertisement would be targetted too.

It seems like this is a rather effective method, and shows with the increase in popularity within that sector of advertisement.

As with the coca-cola zero product, the campaign objective was, as I quote from the same source from the Microsoft Advertisement Dispository.

"Increase reach and exposure amongst a target audience of 18-34-year-olds "

I believe that they have hit this objective and with the concept applied I believe I might actually consider applying this method into our production work, perhaps using facebook as a advertisment medium, however our research document didn't show this as a interesting possible method, YouTube however provides an effective medium as its fame and media orientated approach would allow us to apply our video to the advertisement method, something that will be seen by many people especially on popular videos.

The interesting application Coca-Cola zero applied was this, quoted from the same source.

" The Coca-Cola Zero campaign used super-expanding banners within Windows Live Messenger to deliver its Avatar-themed ads to a target audience of 18-34-year-olds, with re-messaging used to drive awareness amongst an active online audience. "

The use themes for instant messaging devices could be sometihng we could look into creating and activivating our more creative side. The collcated results of this method was the following, quoted again from the same source.

"The Messenger campaign reached 4.4 million unique users, 2 million of which were in the target 18-34 age group
 The re-messaging campaign reached 2 million users, with 1.6 million in the target audience "

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