Monday, April 23, 2012

Defining the Trailer

In todays session, we decided to start defining our trailer for use in determining the outcome of our environment. Unfortnatly, Micheal Prior was not present in this particular session, meaning was not able to produce his outcome of what will happen in his particular piece, but it will be added when he returns. We have worked out around 2:51 seconds without priors scene so we are well over the minium required 180 seconds.

In this post, I will be covering the following points;

- Recording my responsibilities (Environments, Sound and Marketing).
- Who is before in the trailer timeline.
- Who is after me in the trailer timeline.

My responsbilities for this, is developing the my environment, which is the first environment, I am also designing the montage of screen shot images, that will be used to transist into the final splash screen. My sound is being used throughout the entire trailer, which is the song my brother recorded with me, to play entire. For my marketting, I was the one responsible for the web banner which will not be taking place in the trailer, instead, curts splash screen will play its part.

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