Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Music Production

In my sound production I developed the music that will work as a backing track for our trailer. The song was played by my brother, due to his skills with the guitar, and using Cubase I was able to clear up any peaks and create some VSTs, in order to hel provide a deeper ambience to the final production piece.

I have numerous inspritions from this particular piece that I developed, one of them was the Diablo theme, which inspired a rather dark feel and followed the path I was looking for. It potrayed that mysterious and anxious feeling that I wanted the individual to feel while they were watching my trailer.
A sample of this can be found here at this location.


I also had inspritation from Mark Collies, In Time, which insprired a true sense of blues, encapsulating a timbre that gave a solemn rythm and potrayed that moment in the right feed that I think worked well, it worked well in the film punisher, and I think if played along the right mood, which fits our trailer, it could help to give us the correct finish that we need. This is one of the reasons I based my ideal on this particular concept.


I had to interpret, my ideal and my thoughts to my brother, in which he did pretty well, coverying a slow and peaceful tone, against the words I used to describe them, Such as dark, soft, grumpy, and when I wanted him to speed up, using works like Anxious, Edgy, Running.

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