Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3D Name

In todays 3DS Max class, we learnt how to write our name in 3D and apply a variety of textures to it. It was a simple precedure and consisted of but a few steps. I will explain them below on how to get started creating your name in 3DS Max. Before that I give an example on the 3DS Max name I created..

As you can see from this model, I had added a texture that gives it a ink and cartoon effect. This is a preset built already into 3DS max, called Ink I believe. It gave me the texture that I think worked very well with this kind of 3d model. In a sense it provides a 2D feel to a 3D object.

This is my second texture. It holds a rather metallic look to the design. I think this is pretty nice as the light seems to glow of the surface area of the 3d faces. 

Steps to making your name in Max: 

1) Open Max and click on the Shapes option next to your standard primitives. Make sure that the drop down menu is set to splines. You can then, go and select Text from the option box. If you don't know what a Spline is, it is basically a 2d model inside of a 3d enviroment. 

2) After you have drawn down your text change the text in the text box to the bottom right to your name or any other text that you want. From that area you can change the font type and even set the kerning type of the object and space the letters further apart from each other. This is useful for when you need to turn the letters into 3d later to make sure the 3d faces don't conflict with each other and make it look a huge mess.

3) Now you need to turn the text into a editable mesh. This is done by right clicking and coverting to editable mesh. What this does is create polygons on your text objects so you can make it 3d. Once you have done this you simply, highlight all the polygons and extrude the object to make it 3d. 

4) Now you have your 3d text play around with materials (M) and diffuse, and gloss your colours. Add some lighting to you final render and make your name all pretty.

The video below is my animated text that made go around around using basic animation techniques in 3DS max.  

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