Saturday, October 2, 2010

Desktop Project Planning

In my plan I was asked to create a mind map that shows my themes and images that I have decided to use in my project. I was also asked to include the four designs of the project that I drew up during our session. I went for something a little mysterious but at the same time im my opinion media orientated. It is of a hand with a blue pulsing aura around it, meaning to dipict the power of media. It is a rather simple design and something I feel works well.

Above is my minmap. It has all the information concerning my desktop project and intial plan that I descide to use.

Above is my four sketches. The last fourth image that is in colour is the design that I will be going with. To achieve this I will take a picture of someones hand on a plain white or black background and photoshop the background out. I will then use photoshop to design the aura and such around the hand and give it a rather streamlined effect. I am planning to create the text of the six charter points branching off in a smoky effect off the hands to match the general smoky blue aura that the image will give off.  I have also decided that the icons will be organised into categories around the desktop to keep things organised.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting BLOG....nice to see u r really enjoying the 3D stuff, love the 3D castle...hmm will be able to use this & yr robot for the iPhoneApps icons.
    One thing u do need to develop is annotations to explain yr thought process....could be as a bullet point list....'development points' as well as linking to an art style...would be really nice to look @ Da Vinci/Micheal Angelo for drawing hands....think this idea is inspiring & would suite our 'target audience'....excellent work so far,make sure u tie in some fonts to match yr 'art style'...will discuss more 2moro...:D
