Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3D Castle - Box Modelling

In lesson we began to learn about box modelling and the advantages that it produces. Box modelling is useful for a variety of tasks and we learnt how it is vital in everyday model and how most models begin as boxes and modelled up and further. We also learnt how to work with bevel and extrude and I used this to get some more detailed aspects of the castle I created, such as the windows and wall beams. I would have liked to have made more effort and tried to add more to the door and some steps leading to it which I began but never finished. Next time I will aim to take more time and add more detail to my designs.

If I compare this to anothers work, such as the work provided here:

I can see how alot more time was put into this particular model. I would have liked to have created by something similar to this and I believe I could create something like this with my attained skills. I particular like the gate and the portcullis that is used in this model, and the roofing is pretty neat aswell.

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