Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Welcome to my Games Development Blog. This is a compilation of my work over the next two years on the BND Games Development course. This blog will hold all my concept art, designs, videos and any upcoming work that I may produce in the next two years.

Over the next two years I hope to achieve alot in terms of my skills, and goals within a gane industry standard work load. I would like to be able to comfortably be able to build and render a quality standard 3D model and then be able to from there animate and use it to create a trailer or in the end use it as a part of a larger project based around the actual creation of a game.

I also in time would like to increase my knowledge in the game industry so in the future I can use this to help be gain a foothold when the time comes to creating or running my own projects. I wish to increase my knowledge in my key area of programming as well so by the end of the two years I can confortably program objects and functions that will help with the game creation.

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