Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Favourite Game - Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights is one of my all time favourite RPG's period. The base game itself is not what interests in either the first or the second one, but rather the multiplayer and the development toolkit that is provided with both games that allow the creation of modules and custom content that can then be placed online on NWN specific servers run by gamespy. 

The game was created off the aurora engine, a engine /toolset created by Bioware and used only for the NWN 1 game creation. NWN 2 created by obsidian uses the Electron Engine used only for NWN 2.

The reason I like this game is due to the great community involved with the games, also the fact that it allows me to delve deep into the engine used to create it and forge my own creations, and even delve into the scripting language used by the them allowing me to create fully custom and interesting creations that I can share with an online community of around 500 players daily. 

Above this the other module creations are of very interesting developments and can allow for hours of honest fun, and role-play that allows you also to really get into creating your character and history which is just fun if you have the hours to spare on such games. 

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