Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First 3D Modelling Session

In todays lesson was an interesting one, as we delved into the software of 3DS Max. We was taught how to do some very basic functions within the program such as create basic shapes and rotating and moving objects around the screen. It was very interesting being able to create objects and the like.

Out next task was to create an absract 3D design, by using different shapes and rotating them around the screen and moving them to create a rather abstract design. I wanted to delve alittle deeper so I added a few materials to my plane and attempted to add a sky material by incorporating a sphere over the whole plane and trying to add an image to such. Unfortunatly I could not find a way to invert the sphere, or figure out how to use the Mirror Modifier to turn around the selection. My next goal would be to create a interesting material sky to add a more realistic feel to the whole scene.

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