Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Unit 19 - Desktop Project Collage

Above is my collage compilation for the Desktop Project. This collage represents the four main genres within the gaming industry. Horror, Sci-Fi, War and Fantasy. I collected these images from magazines and pasted them down onto paper which I believe represented these genres well.

We have discussed and covered the four genres in detail and even realised how alot of games multi-cross genres such as War and Sci-Fi. Also we realised how games cross into sub-genres aswell such as FPS, RTS and RPG.

Horror: Thrills and Jumps is what horror is all about. Freakish beasts and gored bodies. Not for the faint hearted.

Sci-Fi: Space, Adventure, Quest. The Sci-Fi genre is generally futuristic and involves large ships, plasma weapons of varied amount and lots of space like aliens and soldiers. Famous Sci-Fi games would be Halo, Mass Effect and Crisis. 

War: War games generally involve alot of shooting and taking over command points. It involves majority of the time the army and war time, although some war games can involve a stratgey type view and branch off into many different sub catogories like RTS, FPS and even Mutiplayer. 

Fantasy: Fantasy involves a medieval timeline most of the time although it doesn't nessarily have to follow those guidelines. The general meaning of fantasy is in it's word meaning it can be anything abnormal and unique. Most Fantasy games follow a story and a somewhat sort of RPG element. I like to think of Fantasy Games as a Opposite type over Sci-Fi.

Compared to a variety of Collages that where created, I would like to compare mine with Joe Connells. (http://wolfsaiyan.blogspot.com/). Joe has incorporated a orgranised design to his collage, while I on the other hand did a more free scape collage. With this though, his collage is easily distinguishable as which area is which as mine is more of a artwork piece. But the parts are generally both easily understandable by the quality of the images that where used in both blogs.

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