Thursday, October 7, 2010

Examples of Logos

In this blogpost I am collecting an example of numerous logos. I have compiled a collection of sources from over the internet of logos that interest me, and I find related to both games development and equality and diversity theme.

Firstly though, the below logo is one that I did on photoshop. We was required to find a certain logo and then create a path around it. Then taking our finished path or trace and use that to create a different logo to the original design.


This logo is from Lucas Arts. The company behind all of the Star Wars video game franchise. The reason I have selected this logo to present in my blog is that it not only represents in it's own a game logo but that of diversity. The man in the logo looks to be clearly spreading out his arms, from which looks like the sun rays or beams petrude behind him or from him. It would represent peace and diversity. But also because the company is heavily based on Star Wars. The general believes of the Jedi would be echoed in this image.

This logo which belongs to the company 'Lifes's Good' particularly caught my interest. It is a rather simplistic design in it's self but I feel it work well and does respresent a sense of equality in it's working. The main logo with is a circle which cleverly bares the intials of LG (Life's Good) and that of a face. It represents a person and to be that represents equality. Such as such, even the name of the company respresents some form of diveristy.

This logo is the base Linux logo. Linux for those who don't know is an open source (Meaning free!) operating system that rivals Windows. Linux provides there users with excellent options and interfaces as well as a base platform for developers to build off. Cutting out all the pointless media orientated gag that Windows uses and fying for a more secure and simplistic design interface.

The reason I chose this logo is simply how much of a logo it doesn't look like. It just shows how anything can be used as a logo and it doesn't generally have to be anything to do with a symbol to make it interesting and catchy. Although recognisable to some, this logo has before been mistaken for other company logos that use a similar image.

This is again a logo related to Linux. This is one of the platforms that was built off of the linux base. It is called Ubuntu, one of the more famous Linux platform applications designed by a group of developers. The reason I choose this logo is not for my love of Linux (To be honest, I find it useless to me right now) but rather of how catchy and interesting there logos are. To some this logo may look like a circle with a few spots, but if you look outside the box you will notice how it is actually three people holding hands. This represents diversity and peace. As well as equality in there logo. Which if you look at the principles behind the Windows V Linux campaign it generally represents there struggle against the mircrosoft tyrant.

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