Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Unity Engine Work - Tavern Interior

Over the past weekend I have found a keen interest in the inner workins of the Unity 3D engine. It has allowed me to create my own games by simply importing my own 3d scenes and models from 3d studio max. I will discuss more on the engine in an other post. But for this one I would like to address one of the issues I faced when designing my game named "Dark Age". I wanted to create a tavern interior. Not with my somewhat limited knowledge of 3d I thought I could simply delete a few polys and allow people to walk inside. No, I found when I did this I could see through the model, plus it didnt allow easier interior editing. Plus the fact when I added the mesh collider (This is to create a sort of force field to stop players running through models) it would not allow me to enter through the gap as this was apart of the mesh even though the polygons were not present. To counter this issue, I created the interior the same way I did the castle in previous 3d lessons. I made four walls. This allowed not only easy interior design and seperate wall designs (Which was useful for the beams and windows) but also allowed me to add a mesh collider and not worry about the problem of not being able to enter interiors.

Above is a base design of my tavern. Here you can see I have added a few textures to the interior design. This is not finished by far and will obviously take a while to finish up but I hope this shows what I plan to do. The floor and ceiling textures will be replaced but for the purpose of presentation I wanted to allow people to see how it is done. In the future I will show this tavern perhaps with more placeables added in such as bar and tables which I will also create in 3d studio max.

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