Monday, January 16, 2012

3DS Max Environmental Designs

During this session, we had to create a enviroment inside 3DS Max. We were tasked first to handle dealing with with creating the basic box modelling, to create a window. We based our windows on the primary architectural design, building a simple box, and setting the width, length and height to 6, 30 and 10, we got a primary level design.

From there we applied a bend modifer, applying an angle of 190 percent and 90 percent. This applies an accurate bend to the box level, and allowed me to extrude the end twines to create a sort of window shape. This allowed me to further build upon this element, I decided to go for a more victorian style, making more strict points and angular edges.

Building a top block, with a more vampiric fanged design to it, allowed me to compliment the victorian architecture I was aiming for, and hence improve my design with low poly blocking, however, increasing the basis of the design.

Duplicating each element, and grouping I was able to create a basic primitive with the window, allowing me to build on this. This particular element was useful as it allowed to me to save on the amount of work I would have to generate and increase my work flow.

Unfortnatly, the computer kept crashing on me, and I wans't able to get as much of the desing done as I wish, I had to apply basic materials to the object and settled for a unfiinished scene to meet the end deadline. But these are the contraints and the problems of game development and it has taught me to back up more often and keep a auto-backing system in order to save my work for crashing of unstability.

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