Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cybertronix - Project Plan

Today we had a meeting between the development team for Cybertronix, to discuss the building of our 3D trailer. To begin with we begun to develop the brain storm, that would describe the trailer content as well as a little back story to help us visualise the environments. It was important for our team that we all got our own point down, and to help decide the story and the trailer, we took elements we liked from each story and implemented them into the final idea, as we believed everyone followed a very similar structure and also provided content that we believed as a group really worked well for the story.

An example of my point, relates to elements that Curtis introduced in his story that we really liked, inspired by the stone angels from doctor who, he created foundation that the expression of still objects, such as statues, would change when the player was not looking at them. While this is a small feature, it really does create sense of a dark and quite shocking environment, that would work well in the final idea.

Another example, was the idea of having a tomb under the Salts Building, specifically the plaza, this came up alot in peoples back stories hence we decided it was obvious to implement this feature and concept.

Brainstorm for Trailer Production


As a team we decided the following elements need to be implemented into the trailer. Because we have not yet created our storyline, we decided by covering the elements more important to the story line, and also to allow for us to change and expand on ideas our own ideas.

We have decided on a storyline base that included alot of elements from every member of the team, so i'll explain briefly what this details.

The main character, the protagonist of this story, is an ex-solider, tormented by his own past, and suffering from the dishonour detained on his father, and ex-mill worker in Saltaire, who was condemend to Linchfield because of his insane notion of the existance of the Wine of Titus, an old relic said to provide the drinker with immortality. When his father died, he left an old key, with no notion other than, "It will open the way" in a message along with the rest of his fathers belongings.

During a local newscasts, covering the excavation at the Salts Building and the discovering a metal grating, seemingly and entrance to something, engraved the intials TS. The main character deciding this may be his chance to prove that maybe his father wasn't mad, deciding to call his girlfriend a comms expert, into helping him break into the vault.

Using the key he has retained from his father, he manages to open the grating, which reveals to be a spiral staircase, which opens down into a tomb. During the course of the plot, the main character handles choices and elements, and completes puzzles, while fighting the lions, that have been hunting him, allowing him the pass further.

Apart from the lions as the bosses, for the sake of provided history and progressing the story, the player is also being hunted and followed a evil historical organisation that stretches back to the days of Sir Titus.

The choices the main character makes throughout, will depict how the story progresses and will choose how the end plays out. As well as the ambiences, the main character will get flash backs of his past and the past of Saltaire as he gets closer to his source. The end, the main character has the choice to save his girlfriend from death, grant himself immortality, or take it for himself and prove to the world it exists and make his fortune.


We realised because our story we will need to implement quite a solid amount of content. We have decided that we will make 2 enviroments that are based on the current Saltaire location, because we are working with it in present day, we will try to keep the locations the same. The two locations we will be replicating are, the front of the Salt Building, lions included, which we decided would make a good main menu display, if used.
Here is a reference image of the front of
Salts Building in order to give a visual idea of what this looks like.

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