Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cybertronix - Production Plan

It was important for the team to fully dicuss what elements we were including into the trailer. We decided on content and I have discussed this in the previous post, and split this between the team members in order to help speed up production work. Because of the level of detail that we need and the style we are going for a quite low poly apporach, faking our environments with textures and normal maps to give definitions.

I was tasked with creating the animations for the final product, as the animation would be quite a simple task in essence to everything else, and because I was the most comfortable with cameras and animating elements in the game in order to produce the final product. As the animator I am going to have to make sure that I get more comfortable with the camera elements, and how to properly rig/manipulate some of the creates to work well inside the final product.

Inspiration of this kind of animation I have taken from this youtube video, from the game Dark Descent. It has a very basic animation but one I would like to apply to the characters, specifically the front approach of which it details quite a clear aspect how we would like to animate the trailer view of the main character.  With the low poly hand works well to an idea Joey said about making a character.

I have also been tasked with modelling the front exterior of the Salts Building, which is set as our main building for our storyline. We also stated that it may be possible to use the front of the building as a splash screen, for example, remember the old Resident Evil games with the gore warning, which showed a modelled element of the environment, we could use something like this for our our own splash screen. 

The other members of the team where tasked with developing there own sections as well aswell as a marketting jobs, I will discuss these below for reference. 

Joseph Brown 

Joey was tasked with creating the central plaza area, with the aid of Michael and/or Stuart and Curtis if required. This is  a large task as the central plaza is a main figment our game, and needs to be rather detailed. Joey was optimistic about taking on this task, and therefore the group saw no reason to decline him this environemnt. As well as this, he also wanted to model the lions, while I am personally not willing to place so much work on Joey, he was addiment to take on the task and as project leader, allowed him. However I stand back ready to help him progress with this, if required, as does the rest of the team. 
Bust of the Lion, a model Joey will be creating.
Central Plaza, to be modelled by Joseph Brown
Joseph has also been tasked with handling marketting and assuring the team marketting elements have been done correctly, and effciently. He has been tasked with creating the A3 Poster that will be posted around the local environment.

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